Homeground Jiu Jitsu, a renowned Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy, has left an indelible mark on the martial arts scene in Perth, Western Australia. Established in the early 2018, Homeground Jiu Jitsu was founded by Professor Davi Mattos who sought to create a welcoming and inclusive training environment for enthusiasts of all skill levels. The academy quickly gained recognition for its exceptional instruction, emphasis on technique, and commitment to fostering a strong sense of community among its members.
Over the years, Homeground Jiu Jitsu has grown from a modest training facility to a thriving hub for Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts in Perth. The academy has consistently attracted skilled instructors with a wealth of experience, including black belt practitioners who have competed at the highest levels of the sport. Through a comprehensive curriculum that covers fundamental techniques, advanced strategies, and self-defense applications, Homeground Jiu Jitsu has played a pivotal role in developing skilled practitioners and promoting the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu throughout the region. With a focus on discipline, respect, and personal growth, the academy has become a home away from home for its members, who form a tight-knit community united by their shared passion for Jiu Jitsu.
Homeground Jiu Jitsu is a dynamic Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy that caters to the diverse needs of students through its range of program levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, Homeground offers programs tailored to suit your skill level. With expert instructors and a supportive learning environment, beginners can embark on their Jiu Jitsu journey with confidence. Intermediate students can further refine their techniques and expand their knowledge, while advanced practitioners can engage in high-level training and challenge themselves to new heights. Homeground Jiu Jitsu ensures that every student, regardless of their proficiency, finds a program that meets their needs and helps them achieve their goals on the mat.
Schedule a visit and join the grappling revolution and unleash your potential with our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu clases! Sign up now to learn from world-class instructors and experience the life-changing benefits of BJJ.